
My Licenses

Arthur Crowe-AC128 Ami-AMIMEL BarbaraJensen-BJ1551 Cdo-Cdo-2090 Celine-CP1764MEL Cilm-CI3927LM CreativeMisfits-CM-213MA DannyLee-DL0014 DreamscapeImaging-DSI780 EliasChatzoudis-EAS11359 Gorjuss-SW2251 Help4CAsper-CAS029MA KeithGarvey-KG1057 MyPspTubes-MPT8644 PicsForDesign-PFD_MEL Pte-PTE0758 RachaelTallamy-011066MEL RomanZaric-RZ083 Satc-SATC0096 TheHunter-APSS0144 ThePspProject-TPP00144 TooshToosh-Toosh1365 TonyTzanoukakis-TTZ115 Verymany-VMT_MEL VmArtists-VMA_MEL Xeracx-IRM015A UYA-UpYourArt3406 ZindyZone-ZZT1089 ZlataMac-ZLATAM_Mel
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Zlata Confidence

*~Supplies needed~*
I used the great art of Zlata M you can find the tube Here
Texture of choice - you can find lots with a google search or deviant
Animation i used Globbysparklies by Missy you can download from her blog Here

*~Filter Used~*
Eyecandy 4000
Alien Skin-Xenofex 2- Consellation
Vanderlee Unplugged X

*~Font Used~*
Lainie Day

Let Us Start!
Open New Canvas 650 x 250
Open up your texture of choice and press shift + D so you get a copy of it and close
the original. Resize to fit your canvas 650 X 250 
Open up you tube of choice and place it  to the right then duplicate
it and mirror so you get the close up in both ends of the canvas like this

Now merge both close up layers, and duplicate again,
go to original close up layer and
 Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur
Radius 2,0

Now go to the duplicated close up layer and 
choose properties blend mod - Hard Light 
Go to your texture layer and effects - UnPlugged X -Interlace

With these settings
1- 50 - 50 - 1 - 0 - 50
Transparency 0

Go back to the top close up layer and merge the two close up layers down
then go back to Unplugged X this time we will use Deinterlace

With these settings
70 - 10 - 60
Transparency 0

Then back to the close up layer again, then effects
Unplugged X - Interlace with the same settings as before
1- 50 - 50 - 1 - 0 - 50
Transparency 0
open up the main tube resize as you like and paste in the middle 
of the canvas...
Now You should have something like this

Now find your font of choice and write
"Confidence is what makes a girl sexy"
on top to both left and right for the main tube..
(but be sure that you have marked the layer behind the main tube)
When you have what you want go to
effects Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow
choose a color from your tube

With These Settings
Glow Width - 3.0
Soft Corners - 25%
Overall Opacity - 100

Now hit the pen tool
set your foreground color to black and background color to 
I used the Dash Dot line, choose the setting that fits your likings
i used default settings
Now add the chosen line 
both over and under your text
now you should have something like this

If you got the layers behind the main tube as you like
merge them all down and add copyright info..
Close off you tube layer
Copy Merged
and paste as a new image
Add  border
settings: 3
color of choice
i used black

Now open you animation shop
Copy the merged layer and paste as a new animation
in animation shop
now open up your animation of choice
i used Globbysparklies by Missy  
resize the animation to fit your canvas if it is to big
duplicated your tag into as many frames as the animation
you will use have.

Then highlight your animation and select all frames
then copy and  choose your tag frame and select all frames then
paste into selected frames.. (paste it in the middle)
test your animation if it looks right 
go back to your psp and copy your main tube of choice
then paste as a new animation into animation shop

now remember to duplicate it into the same amount as your
other frame Then highlight - select all frames
then copy and choose your tag frame and select all frames then
paste into selected frames.. (paste it in the middle)

Now test your animation and if it looks right to you
go back to psp and choose your font of choice
write your name

When you have what you want go to
effects Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow
choose a color from your tube

With These Settings
Glow Width - 3.0
Soft Corners - 25%
Overall Opacity - 100

Now copy and go back to animation shop
paste as new animation.
remember to duplicate it into the same amount as your
other frame Then highlight - select all frames
then copy and choose your tag frame and select all frames then
paste into selected frames..
place it were you want.

Now you are done, i hope you enjoyed
my tutorial ☺
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Luck Never Gives

Tag Show Off!
I used Bibi's gorjuss St. Patricks Day kit "Kiss Me" Here
This is a colorfull kit with lots of gorjuss mixed colors i choose to use most green elements
because of the tube, lots of various ways to use all the elements and papers..
I also used one of the old tubes from the artist The Hunter
you can find his art Here


Terms Of Use

Please download these from my blogsite only. Do not share the files in emails/groups/blogs etc. If you'd like to use them in a tag tutorial /group challenge - you can do that. But please direct others to my blogsite to download for themselves. And no linking to my download link itself - just the blogsite link, please. Personal use only please don't change any of the scraps or accents (Word art is ok to change color,size) Please do not change the file names or claim as your own, nor re-upload them to any file sharing sites. Thank you for downloading and have fun!

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